Progressive Christians
No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you’re welcome here!
As a progressive Christian community, we believe in the Trinity: God the Creator, Jesus the Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
Jesus’ commandment to “love one another as I have loved you” is central to our belief and the core teaching of our faith.
We are more comfortable putting our faith into action than talking about it. Saint Francis of Assisi said to “preach the gospel always, and when necessary use words.”
We believe that Christian faith is a journey, not a destination. We think of ourselves as “works in progress”.
We believe that God loves all people, no matter their religious tradition, spiritual practice, place of birth, color of skin, ethnicity, sex, gender identity or sexual orientation. We believe that we should do the same.
We believe that the Bible should be taken seriously, not literally.
We believe women have the right to choose what happens to their own bodies.
We believe that God’s will and way were revealed in Jesus. We believe that he became the Christ as his followers encountered him after his physical death. The Holy Spirit awakened them to the power of Jesus’ presence among them and they trusted that his love, guidance, support and comfort would remain with them. Jesus’ life, death and resurrection provide the inspiration and challenge for us to live as his followers today.
Christian faith is our way of being faithful to God and the teachings of Jesus. But it is not the only way.
Christianity is truth for us. But it is not the only truth.
We share our lives with people who are Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh. We experience these people as loving and caring as they follow their religious traditions. To deny that is to deny that God can only gather people in one way. The power of the Christian faith to transform lives does not require it to be exclusively true. Exclusivity is born out of the fear that there is only one path to God and if you are not on that path you will be punished for eternity.
We believe there are many paths to God, and that God welcomes all who travel on any them.