Take Heart

A person walking away on a rod toward sunrise under a star-filled sky.

The reflection by Rev. Jeanne Randall-Bodman presented on Sunday, October 27, 2024.

“In this tired season when fear is dogging our steps and dread of the future is acting like an undertow, take heart. Get up. Jesus is calling you. Let your faith make you whole enough to follow Jesus on the way.

“If this frightening election does not end with results that protect America from sliding from oligarchy to autocracy, Jesus will still be calling us. Spirit will still be present. We can keep going, keep loving, and working, and resting. It was never America that was going to keep us safe or save us; it is staying rooted in God’s love no matter what.”

Liberating Words:

  • Mark 10: 46-52


One by One, Face to Face


Only What Is Whole Can Be Holy