Our Call Remains the Same

The reflection by Rev. Jeanne Randall-Bodman presented on Sunday, November 10, 2024.

“There are so many ways the coming years may fill us with dismay, but they cannot change the intention at the core of God’s creation. That intention is justice, sustenance, freedom, enlightenment, hospitality and care of the vulnerable. It is the call of Jesus and the work of the church to take up that intention and live it out in the world, no matter what politicians have what power where. Our call remains the same…

“Jesus is calling us to question all the structures that are set up to keep poor people poor and make rich people ever richer. And we here, all of us in our little church, are being called in this moment. We are being called to advocate against policies that harm immigrant people, funding that disregard the needs of indigenous people, laws that force a minority opinion to dictate the healthcare available to women, laws that prevent transgender people from accessing healthcare; because Jesus echos the whole biblical witness in calling for protection of the vulnerable.”

Liberating Words:

  • Psalm 146

  • Mark 12: 38 - 44


The Truth of the World is Love


One by One, Face to Face